Dahlias grown with love in Dorr, MI.

Do you find yourself searching through dahlia grower websites, reading dahlia related books, and posting about dahlias on social media regularly? Do you think about dahlias when you are supposed to be working or sleeping? Have you met someone with a name the same as or similar to a dahlia variety and instantly stopped listening to what the person had to say because you were instead thinking about dahlias?

We have so much in common!

I bet you’ve already guessed that my name is Missy. I have been into houseplants and gardening for a lot of years and s years ago I bought 2 inexpensive dahlia tubers from a discount store. I didn’t know anything about them other than the picture on the package was pretty. I did everything wrong but they grew anyway and late in the season I had my first couple dahlia blooms. That was all it took. That was it for me. I was in love. Dahlias make my heart beat a little faster. They get me out of bed. They occupy like 98% of my thoughts.

Today I grow over 250 varieties of dahlias in a small town in southwest Michigan. I really enjoy attending dahlia shows and exhibiting my favorite varieties! I sell dahlias mainly to florists, but happily fill other requests also. All tubers in my shop are grown, loved, divided, and shipped by me. I will NEVER sell imported clumps or dahlia tubers sourced elsewhere. If I didn’t grow it, I won’t sell it.