Where do you ship tubers?

I ship to all 50 United States. I cannot ship to Canada or other countries at this time.

When will my tubers ship?

My goal is to have all tubers sent out in March, but it will likely be April for cooler areas. This is weather dependent because here in Michigan we often get late bouts of freezing weather, as do other parts of the country. I’d rather you be annoyed about receiving your tubers slightly later than really upset if the tubers freeze in transit and turn to mush! You will receive an email notification with tracking information when your order has shipped.

Why don’t you guarantee your tubers longer than 5 days past receipt?

Tubers are perishable. I can only guarantee they are in good condition when they leave my care. Once you receive them please open up the box and inspect them and contact me within 5 days if something is amiss. It is up to you to properly store them until planting time. They’re your babies now, love them and treat them well! No exchanges or returns.

Can orders be cancelled, combined, added to, or subtracted from after they are placed?

No. Getting your orders correct, making sure your tubers are in great shape, and sending them to the appropriate address at the appropriate time is a LOT of work. In order to be as accurate and efficient as possible, all orders will be shipped exactly as they are placed so that all customers can have a good experience.

Why is the tuber I received so small?

Some varieties just make really small and/or thin tubers. I have tried my best to note which ones do under the variety description, but I may have missed a few. I promise to send you the nicest tubers I have, but sometimes the nicest ones are still quite small, thin or ugly!

What are the abbreviations listed under each dahlia variety in the tuber store?

These are the size, form, and color codes as defined by the American Dahlia Society.


AA - Giant, over 10” in diameter
A - Large, over 8-10” in diameter
B - Medium, over 6-8” in diameter
BB - Small, over 4-6” in diameter
M - Miniature, up to 4” in diameter
BA - Ball, over 3.5” in diameter
MB - Miniature Ball, over 2 to 3.5” in diameter
P - Pompon, up to 2” in diameter
MS - Mignon Single, up to 2” in diameter
S - Single, over 2” in diameter


AN - Anemone
BA - Ball
C - Straight Cactus
CO - Collarette
FD - Formal Decorative
IC - Incurved Cactus
ID - Informal Decorative
LC - Laciniated
MB - Miniature Ball
MS - Mignon Single
N - Novelty
NO - Novelty Open
NX - Novelty Fully Double
O - Orchid
OT - Orchette
P - Pompon
PE - Peony
S - Single
SC - Semi-cactus
ST - Stellar
WL - Waterlily


BI - Bicolor
BR - Bronze
DB - Dark Blend
DP - Dark Pink
DR - Dark Red
FL - Flame Blend
L - Lavender
LB - Light Blend
OR - Orange
PK - Pink
PR - Purple
R - Red
V - Variegated
W - White
Y - Yellow